Over the last 6mths I have had two people ask me what and why?
“what are you training for?”
“why do you want to do that move when you can do x, y, or z?”
So why do I workout/train?
Why do I want to learn certain moves?
Several reasons.
Firstly, I want to extend my knowledge and skills for my clients. I want to be the best PT I personally can be. I want to know how to do a move I show my clients. I don’t want to be coaching something if I don’t know how to do it too. Maybe this is a high expectation on myself as we are all different, we simply can’t do everything. But I certainly want to do what I can.
Secondly, Stepping out of my comfort zone. For many years, I didn’t step out of my comfort zone. I stayed in my safe circle.
Not any more!
Thirdly, Finding my own limits and where I can push my body to. I never used to be into fitness. I never use to see where I could push my body. Now I am loving more than ever pushing it that bit further. Seeing, and being amazed by what my own body can achieve.
Lastly, I mean, Why not? Why would I not want to change things up? Why wouldn’t I want to see what I can achieve. I Want to train and workout to be fit, and strong. I don’t have a specific event I want to work towards, nor a timeframe. I workout for me. I workout to be fit and strong for me. I train to help inspire my clients in my classes.
I strive to perform the same exercise done slightly different, targeting the muscles in a different and varied way. I want to strengthen my body all over. I want to wake up muscles I didn’t think I had.
Yes it is important to have goals, to work towards something. But it’s also ok for that something to be just because. It’s ok to want to do a exercise just to be for you to be able to say you did it.
My reasons are my own, your reasons are your own and you must keep working on those goals no matter the reason.