I can’t believe it has been a year since I certified as a Bodypump Instructor!
It has been one of the most challenging, life changing programs I have ever taken on!
It has challenged me in so many ways, I don’t feel the timing naturally, I pride myself on my coaching and cues in PT and general classes, but body pump is just another level again. I learn RPM chory easy, but bodypump is, again completely different and more of a challenge.
I spend hours and hours on this program, Which some say is crazy as I only teach one 45min class a week But I just love it, and I want to be the best that I can possibly be.
Even if I am not learning chory, I still try and do other Bodypump masterclasses to practice my timing, and hearing the beat.
Now I have never been musically minded, so this is at 35yrs young, a massive challenge. I had so many different people helping me learn, and to learn the “traditional” way, but in the end I had to learn it my way.
And I have, I have learnt how to move my body to the beat, to find the beat in my own way. Do I still loose it? Well when I am thinking coaching, chory, beat, what is 10 steps from now? I probably do. But that is also why I spend so much time learning and doing chory, so that it comes naturally and I can concentrate on what I need to.
Even though it has been tough, and I have had to work so hard at this program, I am so grateful for what it has helped me achieve, grateful for what is has taught me along the way.
Will I ever be perfect? I hope not! Because half the fun is learning and growing every day, every class!