Self care? There is alot of talk about self care now. There never use to be.
When I first became a SAHM I would feel "guilty" about doing my hobbies, or chillin out. I felt I should be constantly doing something. And that has stayed with me until quiet recently. I still remember when I attended my first Yoga class, and we did meditation. I was like what is this, I have too much to do to just lay here and zone out! I had the head space that my workout time was valuable and I had to be sweating and moving heaps to get the most out of my training time. (I still suck at slowing down but that a totally different conversation!)
But know I know that time is still worth while. That we do have to slow down, we do have to stop and smell the roses, if we don't we get burnt out, or for me I just get snappy!
Now I don't feel guilty about chillin out, if I need to climb back into bed for an hour after dropping the kids of to school, I do it. And I don't feel guilty about it, because I know I am in fact being a better mum and wife, heck a better human if I have some self care time, some time for me to recharge and be ready to hit the ground running again. It doesn't have to be meditation it can be anything that helps you clear your head, time for you to zone out for a while, to forget about the things you should or could be doing.
Throw that guilt out the door, you are not being selfish to have some time for you, doing what ever it may be that brings your sanity back, that makes you a better human!
It isn't easy to get rid of that guilty feeling that is drummed into us forever, but work at it, when that thought comes into your head, throw it out again. Tell your self, "no I am not being selfish, in actual fact I am being selfless"
Now go be selfish!!!